

English Loungeを開催しました


 10月18日(火)、テーマに沿って英会話や英語の歌を楽しんだり、日本人と留学生が交流するイベント ”English Lounge” を開催しました。

 今回のテーマは、“オンラインで異文化対話:インドネシアの交換留学生と繋がろう!Online Intercultural Dialogue: KIU Connecting with Indonesia! ” 



Rin Kido

”By participating in English Lounge and interacting with Indonesian students, I was able to notice some cultural differences between Japan and Indonesia, which was very interesting. They explained some of the religious aspects of their society and how the religion is practiced with moderation. I am looking forward to studying with them at Kaichi International University. I will study English harder so that I can have a more smooth conversation.”

Kieu Oanh Duong

“Thank you for organizing activities for English Lounge. I was very happy today when I was able to interact with my fellow students from Indonesia. I was very pleased to welcome them and promote Japan and Vietnam to these international friends. To the Indonesian exchange students – You guys are very friendly and were happy to introduce us to Indonesia. I look forward to seeing you on campus once you arrive here soon. Thank you so much.”


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